Preferred Realtors Registration Form

New Preferred Realtor

Profile Picture:

Upload your profile picture. Only .jpg or .png files up to 5MB will be accepted

After uploading, use your mouse to position the part of the image that you want to use within the white box.

Use the scale below the uploaded image to set the image size.

**You must click the "Preview" button in order to save your image.

Upload a file to start cropping
Company Name:
Company Logo:
**Please be sure that your company logo has all white space removed from around the edge. Please direct any questions to our support department by clicking HERE.
First Name:
Last Name:
Address 2:
Zip Code:
Office Number:
Mobile Number:
Email Address:

Facebook URL:
How did you hear about us?

Username length must be 6 to 20 characters.


Password length must be 6 to 20 characters.

By clicking Submit below, you agree to be active in the Georgia Local Heroes program. You also agree to rebate a portion of your Buyer's Agent commission to help the "Hero" cover some of his or her closing costs in their home purchase. Ideally, we would like you to rebate 25% of the 3% Buyers Agent commission. However, we are sensitive to the fact that not all realtors keep all of the 3%. It is up to you how much you rebate back to the Heroes, but please remember, you will get out of this program what you put into it. The mortgage lender is waiving all the fees normally charged on every other non-Hero loan. This equates to $1500 in lender fees that are waived on Hero loans. Please understand that this program, your listing on the Hero's website and many of the marketing materials are provided to you at no cost. Also, there are no monthly or annual fees to be a part of our Program. In exchange, we are hopeful you will respect the goodwill of the Georgia Local Heroes program and be an active Preferred Realtor of the program so that you and the Georgia Local Heroes program can help as many Heroes as possible purchase a home.